I'm normally a very patient person, but I've been itching to get this stuff in my hands since the moment I placed the order. You see, I could not begin my beautiful Icarus shawl until I received this package. And since it's a KnitAlong, I'm way behind! Oh well, it's probably for the best... a larger plan at work since I've been so busy this week that I couldn't have knit much on it anyway and having it around would have only enticed me horrendously.
But no matter! It's here now!
The complete haul:
- Five balls of beautiul luscious Peru DK Luxury in Imperial Purple (70% Fine merino, 20% alpaca, 10% silk). Mmmmmm, this stuff feels amazing.
- One hank of Lane Borgosesia Baruffa Cashwool in Plum Wine (100% extrafine merino laceweight). Also very very soft and yummy. The color is a little off in these photos. It's actually more purpley than it shows up here on my monitor.
- And lastly, three balls of stretchy Cascade Fixation in Calypso.
And after a spin on the swift, we're all balled up and ready to knit! Maybe I'll get some time later tonight to cast on.
And now, along with the beauteousness of my yarn, I present the sad, ugly spectacle of a very drunk David Hasselhoff being begged by his 16 year old daughter to stop drinking. What a sad, sad scene. This man needs professional help, yesterday. I hope he gets it and is able to get his act together. How embarrassed he must be to have had his daughter see him in this condition. I'm resisting the temptation to email this to a few people I know...
"So I need some fine wine, and you, you need to be nicer
For the good times and the bad times
That we'll have
Sometimes we talk over dinner like old friends
Till I go and kill the bottle,
I go off over any old thing,
Break your heart
and raise a glass or ten."
- The Cardigans "I Need Some Fine Wine, and You, You Need to be Nicer" (Super Extra Gravity)
Such beautiful yarns, my sweet! I can't wait til we're farther along in the Along!
Isn't the Cashwool dreamy? I ordered two hanks in white sight unseen, and I'm so pleased with it. The plum looks like a great color, too!
Yay, ICARUS!!! :-)
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