My garden has been taking up some of my time. It's looking verdant and lovely. I have a few dozen tomatoes on the bushes and 15 or so jalepenos as well. My basil and rosemary are nice and tall; the mint's taking over as mint is wont to do. It's so very nice to walk out on the deck and snip off a bit of whatever herb I'm needing for dinner. The flowers and coleus are really starting to fill in too. That Miracle Grow stuff is amazing. I'm fully convinced that it's largely responsible for this greenification of my black thumb.
I've finished a few books lately too. Eat Pray Love (click on the image in the sidebar) was interesting and a fast read. It's the memoir of a writer who takes a year off from her life to travel the world following a very painful, messy divorce and then a crushing breakup with the man she believes to be her soulmate. In four month stints, she travels around Italy, then lives in an Ashram in India, and finishes her journey in Indonesia (Bali). I don't share her devotion to Yogic practice or Hinduism myself, but have done a fair bit of reading and study on the subject. It was fascinating to read about someone else's spiritual struggles -- the moment in the book where she first reaches out to God, knelt on her bathroom floor sobbing at three in the morning was especially powerful. There were flashes in the book, though, where I didn't buy that she wholly believes what she says she does. I suppose we all have those faltering moments. In any case, it was nice to read an autobiography after four and half of the Harry Potter books read back-to-back. I'm still enjoying them very much and hope to finish Order of the Phoenix next week. There's not much time left until The Deathly Hallows is released and I need to get 1 through 6 finished up.
But I can't seem to read just one book at once. Here are a few new titles I've picked up in the last few days:
I hope you all have a fantastic week. I'll be somewhere in the Southwest... I think. :) I'm flying into Las Vegas to meet my sister. We'll spend a few days there and then she's wisking me off to some surprise location as an early birthday present. I have no clue where; I just got a list of things to bring and the assurance that I would love it.
And she never really lets me down.
I can't wait
To be with you
No, I just can't sit still,
Are we there yet?
Takes me back
I remember
Such a magical place
It was all you...
Closing in, I hope that you make it
Closing in, I hope that you find your way
- Imogen Heap "Closing In" (Speak for Yourself)
I should pick up one of those books, we seem to have similar reading tastes! - zuma
Have a wonderful trip! Hope you don't have any TSA hassles with your needles.
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