What sort of diary should I like mine to be? Something loose knit and yet not slovenly, so elastic that it will embrace anything, solemn, slight or beautiful that comes into my mind. - Virginia Woolf, A Writer's Diary
It's a first: I'm knitting a pair of socks for myself. The lovely Wildflower Socks in some gorgeous Koigu KPPPM. I really love this pattern but alas, the pooling of color that I thought might get better after the cuff seems to be worsening. So it's decision time. Would you keep knitting, or frog? I can't quite decide...
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
In non-knitting news, work has been very, very busy the last few days. I'm definitely earning my salary, right out of the gates. I can't talk about any of it for ethical reasons, but one of the sessions I had this afternoon is among the most challenging ones of my career to date. But I love what I do and I've got some fun things coming up to balance the stress -- planning a party, a weekend with my sister and then a trip to Chicago at the end of August. How I adore Chicago, my favorite U.S. city.
I'll leave you with a few pictures I took the day of the Ani DiFranco concert.
The view from my seat, overhead of course:
And behind me:
But here's the real draw -- and it's one of the best excuses ever for a roadtrip, in my humble opinion:
Did I, did I lend a hand to hold you down Or just a hand to hold? Did I, did I pull the wool over your eyes Or keep you from the cold? And in the look upon your face There was an element of grace Did I read between the lines?
-- Jump, Little Children "Hold You Down" (Between the Dim and the Dark)
Long time since I blogged last. Way, way too long.
I won't even pretend to offer an excuse aside from generally being very busy. Busy vacationing (fun!)... celebrating my birthday (not bad on the whole, actually)... busy transitioning to my new job (exciting!)... busy reading (relaxing)... busy cooking (necessary ;) but fun too)... busy actually knitting (bliss). But I'm still around here somewhere, and I hope you are still with me.
I got my Ravelry invite last week, but have had absolutely no time to get it started. I LOVE getting to snoop around and see what everyone else is working on. Great for lots of inspiration. I'm Fireball over there, so give me a hello.
What I'm Knitting: Icarus -- with new yarn. That Cashwool is lovely, and the color is beautiful, but it is cobweb (or very darn near it) and I'm just not accustomed to working with yarn that fine. I think I'll pass it on to someoene who'll appreciate and use it. Anyway, Chart 1 of Icarus is slow-going and kinda boring, frankly, but I know it'll be beautiful. Wildflower Socks -- in Koigu. Been working on these at lunch and my colleagues have been getting a kick out of the fact that I knit. Pattern is mindless, so it's easy to carry on a conversation and manage not to screw it up. Adagio Stole -- in Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool. This was supposed to be for me, testing out the pattern before I knit it up for my mom for Christmas in a beautiful beige silk/alpaca blend, but the vintage pattern is unclear. I need to either take it up to my LYS and ask for help or beg Theresa for some of her wisdom. :) Either way, nothing's happening on it for now.
I finished my Hallowig a few weeks ago. :) It's adorable, but no, I don't have pictures of it yet... yes, I know I'm a terrible knitblogger. We'll see what the weekend holds.
Though however relaxing it turns out to be, I doubt that it'll top last weekend. I drove up to St. Louis for an outdoor Ani DiFranco concert, held on the banks of the Mississippi, directly under the St. Louis arch. The weather was absolutely perfect -- light breeze, low 80s with the sun shining, but dipped to low 60s once night fell. I got a little sun and some knitting done as we sat around waiting for the music to get started. Anais Mitchell opened, then Ani played for about an hour and a half, and the night concluded with a huge fireworks show, shot from a barge out in the river. It was a pretty amazing night, all told. I'll post up some pictures when I get my stuff together.
How can I warn you when my tongue turns to dust Like we've discussed? It doesn't mean that I don't care It means I'm partially there You're gonna need to be patient with me
-- Wilco "Please Be Patient With Me" (Sky Blue Sky)
Just a quick photoless blog for me today. I leave for my vacation in the morning and thought I'd put up a little something before I went. I haven't been knitting very much lately -- too busy with other things. When I have picked up the needles recently, it's been to work at finishing up my sister's Broadripple socks. I just finished the heel flap and picked up stitches for the gusset of sock #2, so with that much completed, I'm hoping to be able to finish them on the plane. According to what I've read and been told, I shouldn't have any trouble getting my metal double points on the plane, but I'm going to switch over to bamboo just in case. This will be my first in-flight knitting. Wheee!
My garden has been taking up some of my time. It's looking verdant and lovely. I have a few dozen tomatoes on the bushes and 15 or so jalepenos as well. My basil and rosemary are nice and tall; the mint's taking over as mint is wont to do. It's so very nice to walk out on the deck and snip off a bit of whatever herb I'm needing for dinner. The flowers and coleus are really starting to fill in too. That Miracle Grow stuff is amazing. I'm fully convinced that it's largely responsible for this greenification of my black thumb.
I've finished a few books lately too. Eat Pray Love (click on the image in the sidebar) was interesting and a fast read. It's the memoir of a writer who takes a year off from her life to travel the world following a very painful, messy divorce and then a crushing breakup with the man she believes to be her soulmate. In four month stints, she travels around Italy, then lives in an Ashram in India, and finishes her journey in Indonesia (Bali). I don't share her devotion to Yogic practice or Hinduism myself, but have done a fair bit of reading and study on the subject. It was fascinating to read about someone else's spiritual struggles -- the moment in the book where she first reaches out to God, knelt on her bathroom floor sobbing at three in the morning was especially powerful. There were flashes in the book, though, where I didn't buy that she wholly believes what she says she does. I suppose we all have those faltering moments. In any case, it was nice to read an autobiography after four and half of the Harry Potter books read back-to-back. I'm still enjoying them very much and hope to finish Order of the Phoenix next week. There's not much time left until The Deathly Hallows is released and I need to get 1 through 6 finished up.
But I can't seem to read just one book at once. Here are a few new titles I've picked up in the last few days:
I hope you all have a fantastic week. I'll be somewhere in the Southwest... I think. :) I'm flying into Las Vegas to meet my sister. We'll spend a few days there and then she's wisking me off to some surprise location as an early birthday present. I have no clue where; I just got a list of things to bring and the assurance that I would love it.
And she never really lets me down.
I can't wait To be with you No, I just can't sit still, Are we there yet? Takes me back I remember Such a magical place It was all you...
Closing in, I hope that you make it Closing in, I hope that you find your way
Live music just does it for me. The only thing better than seeing one of your favorite acts playing an all-stops-out show is seeing one of your favorite acts playing an all-stops-out show with great friends. I've made some of my most favorite memories in just such circumstances and got a chance to wax nostalgic about a few of them this past weekend with a friend I hardly see anymore. During this great conversation we were having, he and I both agreed that being surprised by an unknown opening act or seeing an impromptu performance can be just as exhilerating and gratifying (and sometimes moreso) as the big anticipated concert. Case in point. One of the best guitarists I've ever heard was a busker on the corner of North Michigan Ave and Monroe in Chicago. I stood in the cold for 20 minutes just to hear him play and he never missed a beat, despite the bitter March wind that was whipping off the Lake that afternoon.
This line of thought reminded me of a website I stumbled onto a few weeks ago -- a French blog called La Blogothèque that is dedicated to capturing what they call "Takeaway Shows" to film and releasing them on the web. Essentially they contact bands/musicians who are touring through Paris, and then follow them around the city as they perform a few songs for whomever they happen across. There are some really great bands that have been a part of this little phenomenon (The Arcade Fire entry is both chaotic and fascinating; Andrew Bird's is understated and charming; Sufjan Stevens' is quirky and dizzying.), but far and away, my favorite is The Shins.
Click below for 23 minutes of truly great music. It's worth it to go back to read the text at the link above, as well.
I wonder if the French folks who heard The Shins playing that day had any idea what they were witnessing?
This video captures why I chose to learn to play the guitar over the piano. The portability, as well as the range and versatility of the instrument make it ideal for the kind of music I like to make. I'm reminded of what I love about guitar, even this morning when the fingers of my left hand are raw from too much playing yesterday.
For me, with summer always comes the thought of lightening up and eating lovely fresh produce from the Farmer's Market and friends' gardens. This year, I've jumped headlong into the adventure of caring for a wee garden of my own -- a risky prospect given that I have had, in the past, a terrifically black thumb. No matter! We're going with "the triumph of hope over experience" perspective here. And to that end, I've turned my back deck into what is at the moment a lush and verdant container garden, with overflowing pots of basil, oregano, mint, thyme, rosemary and such. A few tomato plants and some jalepenos have made their way into the mix, as well as some flowers and coleus. It's really lovely. I find myself feeling oddly excited about harvesting my own tomatoes in the coming months, if I can manage to keep them alive in the interim.
So in anticipation of my future tomato bounty and upon requests for it, I'm going to share my favorite summer pasta recipe here. It's quick, easy and light (only 335 cals and 9.8 g of fat per serving) but best, tastes divine and is improved even more by a nice salad, a glass of crisp wine and good company, shared al fresco.
Greek Spaghetti with tomatoes and feta
2 teaspoons olive oil Small bunch (1/8 c) fresh oregano, chopped roughly Small bunch (1/8 c) fresh basil, chiffonaded 2 large cloves garlic, minced 3 c. diced fresh tomatoes 1/2 c. sliced green onion 1/4 c. choppped fresh parsley, divided 2 tablespoons lemon juice 4 c. hot cooked thin spaghetti (cooked in lightly salted water) 1 c. (4 oz) crumbled feta cheese, divided Freshly ground pepper
Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add oregano, basil and garlic; sauté 30 seconds (don't let this go too long else you'll scorch the garlic and it will taste bitter). Add tomato, onion, 2 tablespoons parsley, and juice. Cook 2 minutes or until heated.
Combine tomato mixture, spaghetti and 3/4 c. cheese; toss gently. Top with remaining cheese and parsley and sprinkle with pepper.
Yield: 4 servings (Serving size: 1 1/4 c.)
I'd like to see you out one night Dressed up like a race car driver You'd push the engine all the way Then I know I'd love you But if I see you out somewhere You might think that I don't care 'Cause I love my guitar I love my guitar We always stay up late at night Up in my bedroom Sometimes we get carried away Banging the wall, banging the floor Burning both ends of the midnight oil
Well, it's been a busy start of summer, and here again, I find myself in a state of not having blogged in ages.
There's been knitting, of course, in the last few weeks, but I've spent a fair bit of my free time playing my guitar, Stella. Stella is a G-series Takamine which I was gifted for my birthday last July. She's a beautiful instrument with a lovely warm sound and great sustain, but after nearly a year of piddling around with her, I'm still quite a mediocre guitarist. Well, that's not really fair; I'm still learning is all, but the net result has been that no one outside of my immediate family has yet heard me play. I'm a confident vocalist, and was at one time quite accomplished, so I'm not used to struggling musically. Adding an instrument has been a great challenge, but one that's loads of fun. Most importantly -- and this was the reason I wanted a guitar in the first place -- it's gotten me to sing more frequently.
So why all the practicing lately? I have a batch of friends who will be getting married in the next year or so (don't they always seem to come in waves?) and I've already been asked to sing and play for three of these weddings. So, I've been excitedly learning new songs and getting used to the idea of playing in front of audiences of a few hundred people. One song I've chosen is Susie Suh's "Light on My Shoulder." I love this piece so much. It's very simple and unpretentious, sentimental but not cloying. The lyrics are a bit spare and perhaps predictable, but somehow it seems to really work with the melody. I've not yet mastered the fingerpicking, but I've made the vocals my own, and I think it's going to come together very nicely.
The second song I've learned is Leslie Feist's "The Park." This one is even simpler to play: just three chords with minimal fingerpicking. My picking is not perfect yet, but I managed to get the pulloffs to sound quite nice as of this evening. Rather than the guitar, it was the similarity of Feist's voice to my own and a friend's (very correct) suggestion that I would love the song that originally attracted me to "The Park." I might tweak the somber lyrics on this one to make it more wedding-worthy, but it's a beautiful melody and will play to my strengths to good effect, I think.
Now the challenge is to knit something beautiful to wear to these weddings that will stay on as I strum. Maybe an elongated Clapotis...
Broadripple Socks: one complete, the second at about the 2/3 mark. Should be able to finish these this week sometime. I'm very happy with how they are turning out! The colors have pooled a bit, but I so love the combination of this colorway and pattern that it's not bothering me too much. I think my sister will adore them and can't wait to see her face when she opens the package. I think I'll wait to surprise her until we're around the fire with marshmallows in hand.
It's really hard to photograph socks when they are on your own feet. I'll get some better shots of them on my sis's feet in a few weeks.
The toe:
A little (unfocused) leg detail:
My weekend has been great. I went to a friend's house for game night with the girls on Friday... which involved the consumption of some of the best brownies I've made in ages and then devolved into fits of laughter and ultimately a broken dining room table. No irreparable harm was done (aside the ruined table) and our hostess was thrilled to be able to go buy a new dining set. Saturday, I joined a big group of friends in congratulating a favorite twosome from our gang on the happy occasion of their engagement! Lots of dancing around to 80s music... lots of silly toasts... lots of great food in even better company. And today, we took a boat outing with a small clutch of friends and enjoyed a fabulous dinner of grilled pork loin with my marbled mashed potatoes and steamed asparagus. The whole weekend was very chill and precisely what we all needed.
Some fun moments:
More soon. I hope these few electrons find you all happy and healthy.
It's easier to fall and harder to stand. It's easier to cry and harder to laugh. And I don’t know how, I don’t know why But you’re the light on my shoulder When I'm tired. It's easier to run and harder to be still. It's easier to think and harder to feel. And I don’t know how, I don’t know why But you’re the light on my shoulder When I'm tired. It's easier to hide and harder to trust. It's easier to hate and harder to love. And I don’t know how, I don’t know anything But you’re the temper in my voice When I sing.
Preface: I should have realized this blog had no prayer of staying "just a knitblog."
My sleep has been a trainwreck the last week and a half or so -- partly because of the 71 page monstrosity and partly because of a fight and partly because of a string of really vivid, distressing dreams. I won't dissect the dreams here (In truth, it always amazes me when people talk about their dreams openly on the internet -- feels a bit like uploading one's unconscious for all to sift through. No thanks.), but the most disturbing one involved my being tied to a huge tree and attacked by an army of poisonous snakes. Oh, font of neverending joy.
So what do you do when you can't sleep and you're hungover from excessive caffeine consumption, writing into the wee hours and feeling frustrated that the one knitting project you want to be working on (Icarus) is feeling impossible? Crank the tunes and cast on a sock, of course! Well, this one was prompted by the epic phone conversation I had with my little sister on Saturday. As sisters are wont to do, she made me feel about 6000% better, so I decided to take she-whose-feet-are-eternally-icy a pair of handknit wool socks as a surprise next month. Enter Broadripple. Isn't this yarn (above) just precious? It's KnitPicks Memories in S'mores, which happen to be one of sis and my most favoritest treats ever. I love this pattern too: slightly lacy, easy to memorize, works up fast. It just works on so many levels. I hope she loves them, but I really wouldn't mind if she doesn't, because I'll just keep them for myself. Bonus on sockknitting for her: our feet are almost exactly the same size (mine are shorter, but hers are narrower). ;)
“Creativity arises out of the tension between spontaneity and limitations, the latter (like the river banks) forcing the spontaneity into the various forms which are essential to the work of art or poem.” -- Rollo May
I've really never considered myself to be "crafty." I can't really explain why, but I think I just have a negative association of myself to that word. I think somewhere along the line, someone I respected must have equated "craft" with idleness and wasted energies, and the (preposterous) notion got stuck in my brain that one must avoid such things. But nonetheless, I've always liked to create things. When I was told in the eighth grade that I had to take either a woodshop class (no way) or "personal living skills" (e.g. home ec), I was mad that those were my only options. I wanted to take another science class or maybe drama, but not cooking and sewing! I think I probably scowled for a week straight, but ended up absolutely loving the class. So much so, in fact, that in ninth grade, I took both the advanced cooking and sewing courses. It's funny to me that now, as an adult, those kinds of things are among my favorite things to do.
My friends from undergrad call me MiniMartha (of the Stewart variety) for my knack of pulling together parties "out of nothing" -- like a MacGuyver of Entertaining or some such thing. There's a good reason I've been Maid or Matron of Honor in nine weddings. Well firstly, I have great girlfriends who've really honored me by asking me to stand beside them on their wedding days, but I think they also know that I'll do all the bridal things well. I tend to go all out. So, for whatever reason (most likely offender? the half decade I've spent doing little aside from grad school), I've been flying my Crafty flag a lot lately. It was beyond time to redress the deficit, friends.
Other than knitting, I've also beaded a few things in the last few months. My favorite is the amethyst and pearl fob I made for my embroidery scissors. Now, no matter how far they've slipped to the bottom of my knitting bag, I can dig them out in a snap.
I whipped up a few (dozen) stitchmarkers, too.
Hmmm, maybe I'll find some cool beads and make mi hermana a pair of earrings too. She's worth it.
Before I go back to struggling with Icarus and the ridiculously beautiful, but ridiculously fine yarn I've chosen to work with, I have finished objects that keep slipping my mind to photograph, most likely because they've been on my feet since I finished weaving in all the ends. I present... le fong du moi! Erm, but look past my swollen, allergic toesies and my less than perfect pedicure.
Pattern:Fong! by the inimitable Kathy. Yarn: Regia Cotton Color #5408 Needles: Size 1 Clover Bamboo DPNs. When I make another pair of these, I'm gonna use 0s I think. My finished Fongi are a little loose, but they work beautifully and I love them to bits. Mods: I added a single garter stitch on either side of the... flossy part, which I also knit in reverse stockinette so the curl would match the curve of my... toe cleft. Okay, I feel horribly dirty writing about this. Is it just me?
"I will be the answer at the end of the line I will be there for you while you take the time In the burning of uncertainty, I will be your solid ground I will hold the balance if you can't look down If it takes my whole life, I won't break, I won't bend It will all be worth it, worth it in the end ‘Cause I can only tell you what I know, that I need you in my life And when the stars have all gone out you'll still be burning so bright Cast me gently into morning For the night has been unkind."
It's finally here! The yarn order I've been waiting on for over two weeks.
I'm normally a very patient person, but I've been itching to get this stuff in my hands since the moment I placed the order. You see, I could not begin my beautiful Icarus shawl until I received this package. And since it's a KnitAlong, I'm way behind! Oh well, it's probably for the best... a larger plan at work since I've been so busy this week that I couldn't have knit much on it anyway and having it around would have only enticed me horrendously.
But no matter! It's here now!
The complete haul: - Five balls of beautiul luscious Peru DK Luxury in Imperial Purple (70% Fine merino, 20% alpaca, 10% silk). Mmmmmm, this stuff feels amazing. - One hank of Lane Borgosesia Baruffa Cashwool in Plum Wine (100% extrafine merino laceweight). Also very very soft and yummy. The color is a little off in these photos. It's actually more purpley than it shows up here on my monitor. - And lastly, three balls of stretchy Cascade Fixation in Calypso.
And after a spin on the swift, we're all balled up and ready to knit! Maybe I'll get some time later tonight to cast on.
And now, along with the beauteousness of my yarn, I present the sad, ugly spectacle of a very drunk David Hasselhoff being begged by his 16 year old daughter to stop drinking. What a sad, sad scene. This man needs professional help, yesterday. I hope he gets it and is able to get his act together. How embarrassed he must be to have had his daughter see him in this condition. I'm resisting the temptation to email this to a few people I know...
"So I need some fine wine, and you, you need to be nicer For the good times and the bad times That we'll have Sometimes we talk over dinner like old friends Till I go and kill the bottle, I go off over any old thing, Break your heart and raise a glass or ten."
- The Cardigans "I Need Some Fine Wine, and You, You Need to be Nicer" (Super Extra Gravity)
It's Lost night! I'm taking a break, curled up on the sofa with what I've come to call a Pomcranodka, recipe courtesy of Kathy, and writing this entry during commercials. Kath will be pleased to know that I even mixed my drink up with a wistful longing in my heart and a flippant devil-may-care attitude.
Today was boring and yet, productive. It was rainy and cool, so I opened a few strategic windows, lit some candles, locked myself in the study, blasted some Miles Davis, and wrote all afternoon.
... and tomorrow will be more of the same.
I heart Sayid!
At last, here's Mini Cooper (ha!), the new nephew. I snapped this picture the afternoon I met him, when he was two days old. All swaddled up with a full belly after dinner. Such a cutie.
Miz DiFranco has nailed it again. Over two weeks since my last blog post = unintentional radio silence. Radio? Well something. It's late. I've been wanting to post a new entry at least a half dozen times, but Blogger has been a pill -- I could log in, even leave comments, but not post a new entry.
So hi, hey there, hello! How are you?
My little angry bunny toy thing up there just about says it all for me lately. Last week, I got an unexpected email that's had me insanely busy ever since. In short (because if I go into too much detail, it will just hack me off again, and I'm really trying to be a big girl about this), I was told that the mammoth project which I should still have months yet to complete is due... by May 4th. So needless to say, I've been scrambling to work at getting that finished up and out for delivery ASAP. Any random prayers/good vibrations/thoughts you can spare my way would be super fantastic. I can't wait to just be finished with this and be on to the next.
Knitterly things, you ask? Those have been frustrated as well. I'm still working on Samantha's Dashings, but being that I cast on for them as soon as I bound off Tiffany's pair, let us just say, I'm bored. I feel stalled about halfway through the first one, but I'm hoping I can power through it this weekend and get them finished up.
I'm (impatiently) waiting for a my latest yarn order to be delivered so I can launch into my first foray with laceknitting. I'm participating in the International Icarus Along with darlings Kathy and Theresa. I'm afraid I'm hopelessly out of my league on this one, y'all, but I'm resolved to give it a solid effort. After all, it's just modified knits and purls with tiny, teeny yarn, right? The ladies keep reassuring me how doable this pattern is, but we'll see. One thing's fo sho, I'm gonna keep the Voodoo stuff far away from my yarn to avoid the hexation K's been messing with. Whew. :) But I digress. Back to my stash enhancement. I've got a few other bits of yarny goodness coming along with the gorgeous merino laceweight I chose for Icarus (Lane Borgosesia Baruffa Cashwool in Plum Wine) -- some Peru Luxury DK for a Clementine Shawlette for myself and a few balls of Cascade Fixation for giftknitting.
I cast on for a gift for another friend and even took it to a "Knit Out" my LYS hosted last weekend, but too much chatting and not enough paying-attention-to-what-I-was-doing means I'm gonna have to rip back 9 or 10 rows and fix two mistakes. I'm afraid I've got more projects on the needles right at the moment than I care to divulge. I seriously need to work on getting the FO:UFO ratio up a bit.
Ack. Enough griping. I don't want this blog to turn into Complaint Central. Pursuant to that end and in effort to turn the tone 'round on this entry, I offer the following Seven Items of Pure Joy and Delight:
1) First things first! Two dear friends of mine are making a documentary about music which I've had the complete joy and absolute privilege to be a small part of already. They've been shooting footage for this project since last November and are in the editing phase at this point, with the odd interview still to be captured. This week, they released a promotional trailer for the world to gawk and marvel at (I'll be the first to admit my bias, but I'm truly marveling over here). For those of you who know what I look like, watch carefully: I show up a few times in this.
The project's website is still in development (oy, another thing that needs my attention as soon as this paper is turned over), but check out the MySpace page for more information. The blogs posted there outline a lot about what's upcoming and who else is involved. Very exciting stuff, and I just can't stop grinning about any of it.
2) Harry Potter. Okay, I've seen all the films, but haven't taken the time to read the books until now. My goal is to finish all of them before the last book is released in July so that I can do the dorky stay-up-all-night-reading bit along with the rest of the world for once. I finished Sorcerer's Stone today in between writing sessions and started on Chamber of Secrets tonight when my fingers were nearly numb from typing. You think I'll make it by 7/21? :)
3) My dog is such a Mama's boy, it ain't even funny. I'm in intense love with my dog, as anyone who knows me even a bit will attest, but even I must concede, he's been extra precious the last few days. I think he knows I'm stressed and tired because he's not left my side when I'm at the house, and when I do have to leave, he whimpers at the door as I go. Adorable.
4) Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight. I really love to cook, and this happens to be a favorite meal in our house. Turned out deliciously.
5) The Office Season 2 DVDs just arrived in the mail and are now waiting patiently for me to finish up everything so I can have a marathon viewing of them.
6) Ani DiFranco. In concert. With Todd Sickafoose. The day after my birthday. I shrieked when I found out I would be able to go. CANNOT wait.
7) Putting together packages to send out in the mail in the next week or two. I've got goodies going all around the world, yo! I adore sending little boxes of love!
There we have it. I'm sure there are many more, but I arbitrarily chose seven to start, so seven it shall be! I promise I'll take some pics of my Noro scarf tomorrow. It's been rainy and gray here the last couple of days -- to the point where it looks like I live in Seattle or something -- and every time I think of needing to snap a few, the light is super meh. And this yarn deserves some beautiful sunlight.
"Cuz you've been gone exactly two weeks Two weeks and three days And let's just say that things look different now Different in so many ways Cuz I used to be a superhero No one could touch me Yeah, not even myself And you are like a phone booth That I somehow stumbled into And now look at me I am just like everybody else"
Just a quick, happy note to excitedly share a bit of beautiful news. (Wow, that's a lotta adjectives...)
My fourth nephew was born yesterday morning. Cooper Eric is happy and healthy, and I simply can't wait to meet him! You can expect pictures and more gushitude very soon.
So... I think I'll knit up an EZ Baby Surprise Sweater in a nice green colorway. Or, does anybody have a great baby boy pattern to suggest? Something in a range of sizing so I can knit one for his big brother Connor (13 mos) would be super. :)
*This little song, it's for you These lovely years, here with you. And you, you make me run And you, you make me want to live
- Fisher "You", a lullaby written when her child was very young
Don't call in the professionals with the little white coats on me, gentle readers, but sometimes, I imagine my knitting speaking to me. In the oh-so-inimitable words of Alex Kapranos, it sings from my lovely gray pinstriped Ann Taylor purse-cum-knitting bag: "I say don't you know, you say you don't know... I say, TAKE ME OUT!!" Just to take this anthropomorphic thing entirely over the top, I think it needs to go out now and then -- to get a little sun, take in a rugby match, enjoy a glass of pinot with my friends, watch the world pass by on a roadtrip. And I find that I'm increasingly inclined to oblige it.**
That's right, people: I may be new to this scene, but I'm a KIPer. Knitting in public. It's the new black.
The first time I K'ed-I-P (because KIPed is grammatically all wrong), I was by myself. Sitting in a favorite coffeeshop on a frigidly cold January afternoon, killing time before my dinner reservations, I pulled out the cabled scarf I was making as a gift for my sister's birthday. I can't say if it was the live music, the skinny latte I was sipping, Leigh Radford's enchanting pattern or the dusty blue Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk, but I suspect it was synergy of all these things that made for a truly lovely afternoon. No fewer than five random strangers stopped to ooh and ahh and pet the yarn. You see, I live in a community that is both remarkably cosmopolitan for its size (being a University town) and very arts-friendly. Open-minded, free-thinking people who value other people doing their own thing helps with the tolerance factor. I've read and heard a lot about the responses knitters get when they're out among the muggles, but I guess what I'm saying is that in my own city, I (very thankfully) generally don't get the strange stares or the cloyingly back-handed compliments grounded in stereotype, e.g. the whole "knitting grandmother" thing.
"I care less and less what people think..." But you know... even if I did, I'd knit on.
Here are a few places my knitting bag has visited lately.
I'm going to Las Vegas to visit my sister in June and you better believe the knitting is going with me. It can't wait.
I finished my Noro scarf a few weeks ago. But, as I've been blogless, the wider world has yet to see its loveliness. This project was a sort of Knit-Along with my friend Tiffany (you can take a look at her work in progress here) but I promised that I'd wait till she finished hers to post full pics of mine. :) So here's a sneak peek of where I was with it on a roadtrip to Waco, Texas, last month.
It's occurred to me that I'm so copying my darlingest dear Kathy with the whole song-lyrics-as-blog-entry-titles bit. Well it's an old habit -- both the song-title-ness and the imitating of K :) -- and, hey, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Consider yourself flattered, sister woman!
** Okay, you realize I'm kidding of course. My knitting doesn't really speak to me. It seems my ironic (Alanis Morrisette definition) devotion to a lyrical blog title knows no bounds. Even to the point of making me sound truly nuts.
So I finally got with it, at the urging of a growing number of persuasive people who made compelling arguments: this is my new little bloggythingmeebob. I'm not new to weblogging, but this space out amidst the ether shall be my entrée to the knitblogiverse. I'm not entirely sure that I can sustain a blog of just knitting-related content, so I hope the other bits I share here are of interest at least to some of you -- traveling, books & music most definitely, what I'm whipping up in the kitchen now and then, goofy/interesting/amazing things my friends are up to, fun things I've discovered, and the like. I'll try to keep things interesting. ;) Well, enough with the boring quasi-introduction. I have finished objects to share with you. Oh yes, do I.
Wait, is it okay to start with a clarification? Erm, I've only really been knitting since Christmas. I say "really" because, well technically I started when I was about seven. My endless string of clumsy garter stitch made in horrible acrylic yarn was a good place to start as any, I suppose. My fingers only needed a five minute refresher tutorial from Mom over a cuppa tea to get right back into the swing of things. I was smitten from the (re)start, but since that first blush, we've been working on making it a deep and abiding love. I think this one's for serious.
My very first knitted thing that was not rectangular... Peekaboo Mittens for me!
Yarn: Lamb's Pride Worsted (85% Wool, 15% Mohair) in Aztec Turquoise (I think)
Needles: Vintage Susan Bates DPNs US 7, set of 5. These were my grandmother's.
Mods:My hands are on the small side, so I shortened the body of the mitten by one round. In retrospect, they would have been fine as written. I went with a 2X2 ribbing on the cuff to match the detail around the finger opening.
Isn't this just a great idea?! I really love the concept, and so I was really pleased to find that they work like a charm. I have to say, these are already my most favorite mittens ever. I've only had the opportunity to wear them three or four times as Spring has Sprung in my part of the Southern U.S., but they really do the job of keeping my hands warm (mittens are warmer than gloves, you know) without slowing me down any with having to take them off and on. I've gotten lovely compliments on them everywhere I go, and my dad and sister have already asked me to make a few more. I was thinking that I might do some embroidery on the back of the hands, maybe my first initial. Thoughts?
Yarn: KnitPicks Swish Superwash (100% Superwash Wool) in Dublin
Needles: Clover Bamboo DPNs US 7, set of 5
Mods: None.
I knit these up for my dear friend Tiffany. I have a second pair on the needles already for my friend Samantha, too. And after I finish those up, I think I'm going to have to make myself a pair. The Swish Superwash is very splitty, which is annoying, but I love the way the knitted fabric turns out, so it's worth a bit of hassle on the creative end, I suppose. And the machine-washable part is great too. This is an enjoyable knit. I think the cabling makes for a nice embellishment without making them feel fussy.
I have a few other FOs in the cedar closet, but at the risk of turning an already picture-heavy entry into... well, more of one, I'll stop there. More to come.
*'Cause I'm a joyful girl Because the world owes me nothing And we owe each other the world I do it because it's the least I can do I do it because I learned it from you I do it just because I want to Because I want to
I'm a dilettante knitter, a fanatical music-lover, a wannabe gourmet, a well-educated feminist, a fierce friend, a passionate professional, a doting pet-owner, a novice gardener.